More national coverage about the Dorothy Parker Society. This is from USA Today. Read the article here. Reporter A.S. Berman says of the website: …a website allows a new generation to follow Parker’s life in the BigApple. The journey sometimes feels more like a pub crawl through cyberspace thana hyperlinked history lesson.
Author: Kevin Fitzpatrick
Fake Alert on eBay
Watch out, there is a guy on eBay trying to pass off a letter as signed by Mrs. Parker, and it isn’t from her. Don’t be fooled. Here is what I sent him, and what he sent back. Beware of fake Parker autographs, use this online guide for reference. My letter:Hey,That Parker autograph on ebay…
Live Chat a Success
The live chat for Mrs. Parker’s birthday was a lot of fun. We were going to post the transcript, but reading it now there is too much editing that needs to be done to make it bearable! Sorry! We will probably do another chat soon because this one was a lot of fun. Thanks to…
Happy Birthday Live Chat
Tomorrow is Mrs. Parker’s birthday, and we’re having a live chat at 3 p.m. ET (2 p.m. Central, Noon Pacific). There may be two people or 200, who knows? Let’s celebrate Mrs. Parker’s birthday online. If you get the DPSNY newsletter, you have some ideas of how to celebrate!
Recovering from Parkerfest 2000
What a weekend! It was a really terrific time last weekend for Parkerfest 2000, our second annual New York gathering to celebrate Dorothy Parker. We had 40 attend Speakeasy Night, 30 attend the Round Table Luncheon & Entertainment; about a dozen to 15 on the walking tour. See photos here; read all about it. Thanks…
Parkerfest 2000 was 2-Day Party
NEW YORK — The second annual Parkerfest was a two-day party where the members of the Dorothy Parker Society of New York toasted, talked, drank, smoked, laughed and walked around Dot City. It was a memorable weekend in New York, where we sailed into the Algonquin, The Plaza, Flute and paid our respects at Mrs….