In Encore, Encore, audiences meet Dorothy Parker as she begins her journey to literary fame. As her career surges, her personal life collapses. The leads are Janette Johnston as Parker and Sergio Lodolce plays her first husband, Eddie Parker.
The play is set around 1919 when the Algonquin Round Table began and Parker was writing drama reviews at Vanity Fair. Crowley says he wrote the play, set when Parker was in her mid-twenties, to show the depth of her character:
There is more to Dorothy Parker than “Dorothy Parker”–but what is that exactly? A famed wit, a caustic critic, Dorothy begins her journey to literary fame with a new job at the famed magazine Vanity Fair and quickly becomes established as a famous wit of the age. She gains a fan-filled following and famous new friends and a first-row seat at the greatest show in New York – the Algonquin Round Table. Back home, however, Dorothy is not a critic or a wit, but a wife – a wife to a troubled man whose inner turmoil grates sharply against the veneer of sophistication and invulnerability in her life. As Dorothy’s career surges, though, who is there to know what lies behind the smirking facade and the constant quips? Maybe there’s a real person there with real feelings and real fears and maybe, just maybe, she will be able to break out of the enamel that encases her.
The cast also includes James Grant Lindsay (Robert Benchley and Franklin P. Adams), Brad Howe (Robert E. Sherwood and Ruth Hale), Gary Kozak (Frank Crowninshield and Harold Ross), Hugh Buller (Charles MacArthur), and Helen McMillan (Alexander Woollcott).
Date and time of shows
Encore, Encore
Thursday, June 12, 8:00 PM
Friday, June 13, 8:00 PM
Saturday, June 14, 8:00 PM
Sunday, June 15, 3:00 PM
Gallery Player’s Theater
199 14th Street, Brooklyn.
(Located on 14th Street between 4th and 5th Avenue’s in Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood. Just 4 blocks south of the F/G Trains’ 4th Avenue stop, and the R Train’s 9th Street Stop.)
Get tickets online or call 212-352-3101. The direct link to purchase tickets is here. (It is the Black Box New Play Festival 2014 on June 12, 13, 14 and 15).
The theatre has actually generated a discount code for members of the Dorothy Parker Society. Use DP12 as the code for each performance of Encore, Encore. The tickets would be $12 plus the service charge of $2.
Regular ticket prices are:
$18.00 for Adults
$14.00 for Seniors/Children