Join us as Marion Meade speaks on the infamous Dorothy Parker. Published March 28 is The Portable Dorothy Parker, edited by and with an introduction by Marion Meade. This is the second revision in sixty years and is a wonderful collection that covers the verse, stories, essays and journalism of one of the twentieth century’s most quotable authors.
Marion Meade is the author of Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell is This? She has also written biographies of Woody Allen, Buster Keaton, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Madame Blavatsky, and Victoria Woodhull, as well as two novels about medieval France. Her most recent book is Bobbed Hair and Bathtub Gin: Writers Running Wild in the Twenties.
The reading concludes with a Q&A; session, a book signing, and wine and cheese reception. It is $8 for members, $10 for non-members. Free for members of the Dorothy Parker Society if you RSVP in advance and tell them you are from the DPSNY. Please call 212.755.6710 for reservations.