Wit’s End and the Dorothy Parker Society are proud to present you with this special fete to celebrate the launch of the second issue of Zelda: The Magazine of the Vintage Nouveau! Zelda’s cover feature is an interview with the incomparable Doris Eaton Travis, the last living Ziegfeld girl, and in her honor, we offer…
Dorothy Parker Complete Poems Released Again
The Portable Dorothy Parker was the only book of Mrs. Parker’s work in print when she died in 1967. Today readers can practically put together an entire bookshelf of work by and about Mrs. Parker. To add to this Parker Pantheon is a new book from Penguin Classics that collects almost all of her poems—both…
2 March Parties in New York
The Dorothy Parker Society does not have meetings: we have parties. And in March we will have two, in two locations of the world-famous Flute. These are now monthly parties, so if you reside outside of New York, you can make plans: The Last Thursday of the Month and the Last Saturday of the Month!…
Hollywood Events for West Coast Chapter
The Los Angeles Chapter has a fun time in February at its get-together. (Don Spiro photos) The Dorothy Parker Society’s LA Chapter has lots of fun planned for March. Friends of Dottie can come out and support Stuart Y Silverstein, who will be reading and discussing his book Not Much Fun: The Lost Poems of…
Los Angeles Chapter Events
Los Angeles was where Dorothy Parker lived off and on for more than 30 years. The Dorothy Parker Society Los Angeles Chapter is getting busy this year with activities. Our able West Coast President, Adrienne Crew (adrienne (AT SIGN) dorothyparker (DOT) com) has 2 events coming up that you will not want to miss if…
New Parker Show for Valentine’s Day
We got word that there is a new show based on Dorothy Parker material, the first one for 2010 (and it won’t be the last). The show is running in Mrs. Parker’s old neighborhood too, the Upper West Side. “Against Her Better Judgement” runs at the Drilling Company Theater, 236 West 78th Street, February 11-13th…