What the hell was Dorothy Parker doing in New Mexico? Getting married! Read about it here; with a dozen photos. Sorry for the long delays in site updates… www.dorothyparker.com
Author: Kevin Fitzpatrick
Parker Show for Charity
There is a show in New York that is a charity fundraiser, and Mrs. Parker’s works will be a part of it. Monday, April 12, 9 pm (still tickets available), West Bank Cafe, 407 W. 42nd Street. Tel: 212-868-4444 or smarttix.com. Tickets are $50. “Wit and Wisdom an Evening with Dorothy Parker and Friends” is…
Texans Tackle Parker
Rehearsing for WILD’s production of ‘Where in the Hell is Dorothy Parker’ are (standing) James P. Walsh (hotel manager), Carter Robinson (Alexander Woollcott), John Wilkins (Heywood Broun), (seated) Veronica Garcia (Mary Kennedy), Tencha Mata (Margalo Gillmore), Lisa Quintinilla (Mrs. Miller) and Debbie Laurel (Dorothy Parker). From a press release sent to us today: It is…
Events Coming up on 44th Street
The Small Press Center is hosting events that will appeal to all fans of the Round Table. The Dorothy Parker Society is going to attend them, and then we’ll move things to the Algonquin Hotel and it’s famous Blue Bar for drinks. It is sponsored by The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the…
Benchley Films Unspooling in Beantown
We hear the Robert Benchley Society is at it again with their first event of the new year. Society President David Trumbull writes: You are invited to an EVENING of Robert BENCHLEY’S Hollywood SHORT SUBJECTS. WHO: Mr. Chris Morgan of the “We’ve Come for the Davenport” (Boston) chapter of the Robert Benchley Society invites you…
Acting up in Texas
We got a message from Tom Fuschetto, an English teacher for South Texas Community College in McAllen, Texas. He has an original Dorothy Parker play coming up, and he’s holding auditions. He has written and produced 10 plays (all comedies) in South Texas. Writers In Literary Discussion (WILD) is an organization that he started in…