Friday morning during Day Four of the Dorothy Parker Copyright Trial the courtroom of Judge John F. Keenan did not know what to expect of the first witness. Judge Keenan said, “I have no idea whether he’s hostile or not,” prompted by a memo from one of the attorneys in the case. The air of…
Author: Kevin Fitzpatrick
Day Three: Witness Enlivens Parker Copyright Trial
On Day Three of the Dorothy Parker Copyright Trial the mood in the courtroom changed. Possibly this was due to the fact that the court has now heard from two witnesses and moved onto two more, one in the flesh and one on a TV monitor. For a third day in a row, I was…
Day Two: More Parker Copyright Trial
Splitting hairs. That is what Day Two of the Dorothy Parker Book Battle was about. This case is going to be decided by the narrowest of arguments when the case is played out. In the follow-up to Day One, plaintiff Stuart Y. Silverstein was grilled by Penguin Books’ lead defense counsel, while the second witness…
Day One: Parker Copyright Trial
Dorothy Parker in life was no stranger to courtrooms. In 1927 she ended up in one in Boston while marching against the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti. Years later, in 1955, Parker testified in New York State Supreme Court during the Communist Red Scare. But Tuesday’s proceedings at U.S. Federal Court at 500 Pearl Street…
Matilda Birthday Party
Mark your calendar Aug. 8, for a party at the Algonquin…
Shimmy this Summer
We got this press release from our friend Dottie Lux. She is among the many new wave burlesque stars working the stages around New York these days. Dottie and her friends are now offering classes for would-be burlesque queens. Last year the Dorothy Parker Society teamed up with several burlesque stars at Parkerfest, and it…