The second show in two months based on Dorothy Parker material is coming soon. We heard from Carol Lempert, who has her one-woman show That Dorothy Parker, at the Soho Playhouse on Aug. 5. She plays 5 Questions with us to talk about the show; ticket info is below… What drew you to Dorothy Parker?…
Author: Kevin Fitzpatrick
Governors Island Ferry Links Brooklyn in Time for Parkerfest
In Brooklyn? Want to go to Parkerfest? Now you do not have to go to Manhattan to catch the free ferry over to Governors Island. A new route connects Brooklyn. This week State Senator Daniel Squadron’s office sent out the following letter: I am writing to share some exciting news- this summer there will finally…
Parkerfest June 6-7 Update
June 6 & 7 – The 11th Annual Parkerfest. This will be on Governors Island (June 7 is also the anniversary of Mrs. Parker’s death in 1967). Come attend a huge Roaring Twenties weekend, with vintage clothes, automobiles, live jazz and outdoor cocktail parties. The Governors Island Jazz Age Lawn Party is produced by Michael…
Show Based on Parker Works Plays in June
We have the scoop from Dorothy Parker Society officer Maureen Van Trease, who is once again presenting her show, Those Whistling Lads! The Poetry and Short Stories of Dorothy Parker. It was performed last year to great reviews. Maureen is doing something very similar to what Mrs. Parker did: giving the money to charities. She…
Los Angeles Chapter Plans Busy Summer
We received word from Adrienne, our West Coast major domo, that there are many things to look forward to this summer there. Take it away Adrienne (who can be reached at Adrienne (AT SIGN) dorothyparker (DOT) com. The Dorothy Parker Society Los Angeles chapter is back from the dead this summer. Here are some activities…
Club Wit’s End Returns May 30
News about Club Wit’s End, the monthly music and dance party downtown: MAY 30TH, 2009 : Grandpa Musselman and His Syncopators are BACK for an encore of the hottest jazz to keep you out on the dancefloor! Even more featured vintage cocktails are coming your way, along with our favorite sweets, handmade chocolates from Chocolats…