BOSTON—Four writers and editors will tip their caps to beloved American humorist Robert Benchley at a free book talk and reading Saturday, July 17, in Beacon Hill. The event is sponsored by the Robert Benchley Society, which is hosting its fourth annual national meeting in the city July 16-18. The event begins at 11 a.m….
Author: Kevin Fitzpatrick
New Book of Lost Robert Benchley Material
We got a press release from Thomas Saunders of the Robert Benchley Society. He points us to a new book of Benchley work coming out this month: The Athletic Benchley: 105 Exercises From The Detroit Athletic Club News By Robert Benchley Presented in their original form these pieces have not been seen in decades. Hilarious and…
Clara Bow Screening for LA Chapter May 19
Adrienne Crew, the coolest woman in Hollywood and president of the LA Chapter of the Dorothy Parker Society, sent us this message today. If you want to attend these events, shoot her an email: Adrienne [at sign] dorothyparker [dot] com The LA Chapter of the Dorothy Parker Society is back with an event for May….
Dorothy Parker Complete Poems Released Again
The Portable Dorothy Parker was the only book of Mrs. Parker’s work in print when she died in 1967. Today readers can practically put together an entire bookshelf of work by and about Mrs. Parker. To add to this Parker Pantheon is a new book from Penguin Classics that collects almost all of her poems—both…
2 March Parties in New York
The Dorothy Parker Society does not have meetings: we have parties. And in March we will have two, in two locations of the world-famous Flute. These are now monthly parties, so if you reside outside of New York, you can make plans: The Last Thursday of the Month and the Last Saturday of the Month!…
Hollywood Events for West Coast Chapter
The Los Angeles Chapter has a fun time in February at its get-together. (Don Spiro photos) The Dorothy Parker Society’s LA Chapter has lots of fun planned for March. Friends of Dottie can come out and support Stuart Y Silverstein, who will be reading and discussing his book Not Much Fun: The Lost Poems of…