Dorothy Parker loved animals, as all true fans know. So we always like to celebrate whenever the Algonquin Hotel brings out Matilda for any event, and Monday, May 16 is a good one. The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals will have a cat adoption truck parked in front of the hotel in honor of the occasion of Matilda getting a new Forty-fourth Street perch.
Pet Tree Houses has partnered with the hotel once again and built this custom book case for Matilda’s window to allow her to perch and watch the bustling streets of NYC. The Alliance for NYC’s Animals will utilize the hotel parking zone to park an adoption van in front of the hotel from 11AM – 2PM. Matilda and the hotel have been a partner with the Alliance for more than two years and we work to raise awareness and funds to help support their cause.
The hotel will also be announcing a save the date for the hotel’s 10th Annual Algonquin Cat Celebration which will be held this year on August 10th. Tickets will go on sale in the beginning of July with all proceeds going to benefit the alliance. The event includes a full reception, auction/raffles and cat fashion show.